Friday, November 4, 2022

Blog Post #3 (Speech Theories)

The speech theory that resonates most with me is "promote innovation." This is also what I feel is the most important of the speech theories. I feel like focusing on moving forward and promoting new ideas is very important in our society. However, I am also very interested in “protect dissent.” Preventing mob mentality and preserving the importance of unpopular views is also necessary for the development of our world. One of the speech theories that I see being practiced in our modern world is the “marketplace of ideas.” In Detroit, Michigan, schools have begun to consider removing certain books from their libraries. The American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan sent a letter notifying that this may be a violation of the 1st amendment. Jay Kaplan, ACLU of Michigan Nancy Katz & Margo Dichtelmiller LGBTQ+ Rights Project Staff Attorney, made a statement on the matter. “School libraries are places where young people should be able to learn about themselves and people who are different from themselves, not denied access to the diverse perspectives that books and literature offer us all.” He specifically mentions that all students should be able to have access to the “diverse perspectives” that books can offer. This directly connects to the idea of marketplace of ideas. Americans should have access to many different perspectives and ideas. Another example of this theory in action is in Texas. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, in their efforts to reduce censorship on social media, have created a ruling that bans social media companies from censoring users’ viewpoints. This would allow all kinds of different opinions to flourish on the internet. However, not everyone seemed to agree with this ruling. Andrew Oldham, a Donald Trump appointee who had previously served as Abbott’s general counsel, says “Today we reject the idea that corporations have a freewheeling First Amendment right to censor what people say…”


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